Herringthorpe Valley Road, Rotherham, S65 2NU

01709 361502

St Mary's Catholic Primary School

What is SEND?

A child or young person aged from 0-12 years has special educational need s if they;

  • Have a learning difficulty or disability which makes it harder for them to learn than other pupils of the same age
  • They require special educational provision to be made for them


The four areas of need according to the SEND Code of Practice are;

  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognition and learning
  • Emotional and mental health difficulty
  • Sensory and / or physical needs


Identifying SEND

If concerns are raised about a child either through the school’s monitoring and review systems, or where parents have raised their own concerns about their child, we would begin to monitor the child more closely.  Common reasons for this would be:

  • Not making expected progress despite quality first teaching and intervention.
  • Struggling to meet learning milestones.
  • Struggling to adhere to school and classroom boundaries.
  • Struggling with social, emotional and mental health issues.

Please see the graduated response documents for the steps that staff would take supported by the SENDCO and SEND Assistants.


SEND Curriculum Intent

  • Code of Practice: Some children and young people need educational provision that is additional to or different to their peers. This is a special educational provision under section 21 of the Children and Families Act 2014.  Schools and colleges must use their best endeavours to ensure such provision is made for those who need it.  Special educational provision is under pinned by high quality teaching and is compromised by anything less.


  • Excellent and enjoyment: Quality fist teaching is about adaptation, awareness and sensitivity. This is based upon the foundations of a strong and understanding relationship between students and all members of staff.  As well as high expectations for all children ensuring that all potential barriers to learning are removed.


Nurture Provision

‘nurture groups are having a consistent, significant and large effect in improving social, emotional and behavioural outcomes among children who previously had difficulty learning within a mainstream class.’

  • Nurture groups are a short-term focused intervention for children with particular social, emotional and / or behavioural difficulties that maybe creating a barrier to learning within the classroom setting.
  • A Saint Mary’s, we deliver these groups in a variety of settings with the support of a trained adult. Depending upon the need of form of support required, children will be seen individually or in small, specifically structured groups.
  • The aim of each intervention is to assess the social and emotional needs of each individual before providing the relevant practice to remove potential barriers to learning. At the core of each interaction is the nurturing and supportive relationship between adult and child, ensuring that that the children see the importance of listening and being listened to in order to fulfil their own needs and the needs of others.
  • As an inclusive school, we aim to provide an education where children’s academic and social development is paramount. Thus, enabling all children to grow in confidence, be responsible to others and have resilience to achieve both in and out of school.

The six principles of nurture groups

  • Children’s learning is understood developmentally
  • The classroom is a safe base.
  • Nurture is important for the development of self-esteem
  • Language is understood as a vital means of communication
  • Transitions are viewed as significant in the lives of children