Herringthorpe Valley Road, Rotherham, S65 2NU

01709 361502

St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Contact Us

As a school we recognise how important it is that we work in partnership with parents/carers, so we operate an open door policy. We realise that small things can seem to be a major problem to a young child. We believe that any problems should be sorted out as soon as possible. Regular dialogue between home and school is essential to help children feel happy in school.

If you have any worries or questions, please ask. Nothing is too small! Class teachers and Teaching Assistants are always available for a quick word. If the problem needs more time then they will suggest another time to come back into school to talk properly.


St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Herringthorpe Valley Road


S65 2NU



Headteacher: Mrs A Osborne

Deputy Headteacher: Mrs M Doran / Mrs Z Holt

Chair of Governors : Mr C Taylor




Contact Form