Herringthorpe Valley Road, Rotherham, S65 2NU

01709 361502

St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Welcome to Year 3

The staff who work in Year 3 are Miss Gilding (Class Teacher), Miss Smith, Mrs Halpin and Mrs Swann. We are all looking forward to a lovely year working with you all.


Year 3 (2020.2021)

Welcome to our Y3 webpage. My name is Miss Draycott and it is a pleasure to be your child’s class teacher. First I just wanted to say we’ve really missed you! We know that the last year has ended in a very strange way for everyone but we are here to support and help you as you come back to school to dive into learning. I look forward to the year ahead of us, if you would like to speak to me please do not hesitate to get in contact with me via the office..

In Y3 we are very practical learners. Come and see! 

Meet your Teachers

Hi! My name Miss Draycott and I am your class teacher. The teaching assistants in our classroom are Miss Moore, Mrs Barker, Mrs Halpin and Miss Stuart.

This Little Light of Mine

Class Information


PE will be on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school on this day. Please note, earrings must be taken out for PE.


All homework will be handed out on Thursday and needs to be returned by the following Friday.


The children will be encouraged to read at home at least 3 times a week. However, children are expected your child should have been given a log in for this site and your child is expected to complete at least two quizzes per week. To begin initially your child must complete a baseline test that will access their reading capabilities and give them differentiated work to complete.


Spellings will be linked to spelling rules and common exception words that have been taught during the week. There will be a test on the following Friday

Times Tables

The children will be learning their time tables on a weekly basis.  There will be a times table challenge on a Friday. Children are encouraged to use timetables rock stars.


Please help your child to do this as all of these things are highly important and play a large role in helping your child to learn and progress.


Our Learning

Distance Learning 

As a staff, we are committed to ensuring our children continue to learn at St Mary’s. We understand that we are in strange times and protecting our families, friends and our community is now our number one priority. However, here at St Mary's, we will always endeavor to support our learners at this time and continue to learn and grow. 


What is Distance Learning? 

Distance learning is where pupils cannot physically present at school. As children cannot access school to learn, their learning will take place online. It is important that children complete the work set.


How will children and families access their Distance/ Home learning? 

As a school, we have recently started using an online tool called Class Dojo. Class Dojo is an online behavior management system that promotes and fosters positive student behaviors and classroom culture. Students in each class shall earn 'Dojo' points based on their classroom conduct. Teachers use this tool to Communicate with parents and families, to reward children for positive behavior within the school, and as a tool to send distance/ home learning home.  To familiarize yourself with Class Dojo please follow the attached link below and accept your invitation from your child's class teacher. If you need to distance learn, then your child's class teacher will send over the necessary learning for your child to complete from home for that week, For additional resources, please find our useful links tab

Class Dojo



Useful Links