Herringthorpe Valley Road, Rotherham, S65 2NU

01709 361502

St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Welcome to our school

Our  Mission 

Saint Mary’s is a caring Catholic community.

We nurture each child’s uniqueness in the spirit of God, to flourish and grow in a safe and happy, Christ-centred environment.


Our mission statement at Saint Mary’s Catholic Primary School is embedded by the statement of ethos:


‘Let your light shine.’

 (Matt. 5:14) 


Saint Mary's Catholic Primary School, A Catholic Voluntary Academy is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England with company number 08543115.


Headteacher: Mrs Anna Osborne

Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Zoe Holt

Chair of Governors: Mr Peter Short


For any enquiries please contact a member of the administration team in the school office on:

01709 361502

(Please note calls to this number are monitored for training and conflict resolution purposes)


Herringthorpe, Valley Road, Rotherham S65 2NU

Operation Encompass

Saint Mary’s supports and advocates ‘Operation Encompass’. Operation Encompass is a unique Police and Education early intervention safeguarding partnership which supports children and young people exposed to domestic abuse. Operation Encompass is the reporting to schools before the start of the next school day, when a child or young person has been involved or exposed to a domestic abuse incident the previous evening. It enables children to arrive at school and have their needs met, by trained Child Protection staff, who have been informed of the child’s ‘experience.’ National Domestic Violence 24hr free-phone hotline: 0808 2000 247.


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